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Keep calm Bread - No.6

Keep calm Bread - No.6

Visiting a berman bakery and trying a wide variety of different types of bread for sure is an experience not to be missed! This is a very obvious candidate for our German Keep Calm postcard series.

Accessory Items

German Poets
There is a rich history of famous german poets and writers - some names are more famous than others and for sure there are many more next to the eight gentlemen we are presenting here. Perhaps an invitation to explore and find out more?

From €0.95*
Keep calm and discover Germany - No.1
Keep calm - and discover Germany! Get an introduction into some german highlights, habits, specialities and fun facts. This card, No.1 of a whole series of postcards, shows you the map of Germany and its states called Bundesländer. Discover, collect and enjoy!A6 format postcard, 148 x 105 mm

From €0.95*
Keep calm Rhein - No.3
The river Rhine spans over 500 km in Germany, passing different sceneries and big cities. To travel on it for a while is a lovely experience. This is card No.3 of the "Keep calm and discover Germany" postcard series.

From €0.95*
Keep calm Goethe - No.5
In many german schools it is compulsory to read Goethe. For a good reason, we believe! In case you have not yet and have left school - it is never too late! This card is number 5 in our "Discover Germany" postcard series.

From €0.95*
Delicious Postcrossing Germany
How about something sweet? Or would you prefer a more savory speciality? And a typical drink to go with it? We have combined everything yummy on one postcard. The result is a culinary journey through Germany that makes you want to try all the local specialties.

From €0.95*
Keep calm need a Coffee
Keep calm... for many, it needs a good coffee or two to start the day right. It might wake you up or it might calm you down - for sure many people all over the world love their coffee specialities!

From €0.95*
German Bread and Rolls
The variety of different types of bread and rolls in Germany is large and there is a lot to explore in the local bakeries. From sweet versions to wholegrain, different methods, seasoning and ingredients - it is all there! The postcard shows some alltime favourites.

From €0.95*
Keep calm Brandenburger Tor - No.2
A walk to the Brandenburg Gate is on the bucket list of any visitor to Berlin, Germany's capital. If you walk by, make sure to count the horses on top of the Gate! A6 format postcard, 148 x 105 mm

From €0.95*
Keep calm Zugspitze - No.4
The Zugspitze is Germany´s highest peak. To climb it is quite challenging, but why not take the cablecar? Make sure to document properly that you have been on top of the mountain!

From €0.95*
Brot und Brötchen
Bread and rolls play an important role at many meals in Germany. With over 3,000 types of baked goods, there is something for every taste. The art of baking is honored as an intagible cultural heritage.

From €0.95*
Keep calm Fussball - No.7
Whether it is a top match of the best soccer teams or of local youth teams, to watch a match for sure is a highlight of the weekend for many people in Germany. Number 7 of our series!

From €0.95*
Priority Pretzel Set
Do you love Pretzels? Why not send one via your snailmail on a blue Priority Sticker? This Sticker-Set contains of 60 stickers.  Dimensions:  49 x 13 mm  Design by papersisters, Made in Germany.
